TABW Reading for 1st July

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TABW Reading for 1st July

Post by aingael »


As newcomers to Families Anonymous, we find it difficult to accept the First Step - admitting we have no control over someone else, especially our own children. We find it difficult to believe we can do nothing to over-come the acts of our sons or daughters. " Why,"we ask, "should we not be able to control our children's actions? Isn't that our responsibility as parents?"

Sometimes it takes Step Two to help us realize how much is beyond our control. We begin to understand how our own reactions may have actually made matters worse. Faith in a power greater than ourselves helps us to stop fretting. With few if any alternatives, we start to get ready for Step Three in which we let go and let God.

In FA, we learn to recognise where our own responsibilities begin and end. We allow others to discover the same boundaries of responsibility for themselves.

TODAY I WILL accept my powerlessness over others and claim responsibility for myself.
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