Please help me identify this paraphernalia

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Please help me identify this paraphernalia

Post by jolanda34 »

Dear group,

My partner has had a quite serious cocaine addiction for several years now. He has smoked marijuana daily for the entire time I have known him, I think he may have smoked every day of his adult life. He will not seek professional help.

Recently I came across some paraphernalia among his marijuana things that I have not seen before, I am hoping someone here can help me understand what he may be doing.

Not sure how to attach a photo to this post but I've found some of the items online.

Packet of Cigars
Packets of pipecleaners
Small metal mesh filters around 16mm like these: ... B08Q7NHDR4
A plastic tube like for medical testing like this: ... th=1&psc=1

In the past he has smoked some sort of DMT which looks like dried leaves he has smoked in a wooden pipe, so it could be that this is for smoking DMT, but I am wondering if it something I haven't considered?

If anyone has come across this before, I would be very grateful if you could suggest what he may be doing.

Thank you.
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Re: Please help me identify this paraphernalia

Post by ANAID777 »

Dear Jolanda,

I cannot be sure and I would not want to worry you even further, however given your partners “serious cocaine addiction” you cannot rule out crack cocaine I am afraid. Of course I cannot be sure but some of the paraphernalia is similar to that of what crack addict use , pipes , mesh etc. My son hid his Crack addiction under the guise of cocaine addiction many years and is now a full blown crack addict, much to my devastation.

I do hope for both your sakes that I am wrong but you will need to ask him if this is the case and be prepared for lies, manipulation and gaslighting.

Please do get support for yourself wherever you can in any-case.

Love and best wishes ANAID x
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Re: Please help me identify this paraphernalia

Post by 2splendourangel »

Hi Jolanda, Your partner has an addiction to many drugs so finding this new paraphernalia although a worry he may have upgraded some of his old stuff and bought new. I do not know much about DMT only that it is something along the lines of a psychedelic like LSD there is the less strong version which is MDMA commonly known as ecstacy and taken by swallowing or pills. These are the rave drugs and are usually taken in a club and I do not know about DMT leaves being smoked in a pipe. It could be the cannabis which is bought in bud form mainly but not leaves they get trimmed away as it is the bud from cannabis which is used and gives the user the hit they want, maybe that is what he smoked in the pipe. If your partner has a serious cocaine addiction he could be smoking crack cocaine which will explain the paraphernalia, although not necessarily on the crack he could be mixing his cannabis with crack cocaine in to a joint and smoking that way. Heavy users will have their own preference but either way your partner is on a lot of drugs and will not like being told to seek help the thing is you need support his addiction can progress and get worse. Best Wishes, 2Splendourangel.
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Re: Please help me identify this paraphernalia

Post by Poetry »

Hello Jolanda. I'd steer clear of this and protect yourself.

He is very clearly heavily into drugs, and it can only end disastrously. Maybe suggest that he attempts to kick his drug habit, whatever the paraphernalia might or might not be, and attend ninety NA meetings in ninety days. I don't think you can go on living with these concerns, and with having to covertly research paraphernalia on the internet.

I think your life is probably worth a lot more than this.

We are here for you. P.
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Re: Please help me identify this paraphernalia

Post by lesleerose »

Firstly welcome to famanon the fellowship of miracles that brings
Peace to YOU famanon is for you..the people on here are the happy shiny people that will love ❤️ you back to life from this horror you are experiencing… I am so sorry you are going through this … I come on to famanon because of my addict daughter over 20 years now and she has been on about every single drug that is around …. This is quite a cocktail your partner is taking he would need to be detoxed very slowly over a period of time to be honest through a treatment centre under medical supervision..
You say he doesn’t want help and that is his choice ..
Now what about your choice do you really want to live like this because this is progressive always getting worse never better ..
Famanon taught me how to let go of my addict daughter with love because if I didn’t I was going down with her and I refuse to go down that road to hell … mentally physically financially and of course spiritually I was broken … I put her out of the house many years ago especially when I woke up one morning with an axe 🪓 above my head … getting my addict daughter out of my mind took a little longer but with the beautiful people on here I have come a long way … believe me when I say the drugs are always going to come first at the expense of everything you hold dear
Get out now ( I don’t often say that ) but this is a ticking time bomb and you seriously don’t want to be around when it explodes
Please get in touch with the famanon helpline for some literature… the people on the helpline are exactly the same as us they have a loved one with drug abuse they give of themselves freely to help you
Stay with us
Bless you in famanon fellowship
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Re: Please help me identify this paraphernalia

Post by LM66 »

Im not sure about the other paraphenalia, but I know cigars can be used to smoke weed. The inside of the cigar is hollowed out and filled with weed - its called a blunt. Im assuming, the cigar could hide the smell of the weed a tad.
It doesn't really matter what he's using,bottom line is, he's using. You will know what your boundaries are, what you will tolerate, and what you won't.
As others have said, protect yourself.
Much Love
L x
"You can choose to continually live in the shadow of your addict, allowing his/her chaos and drama to dictate your whole existence, or you can take control of your life."
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Re: Please help me identify this paraphernalia

Post by jolanda34 »

Thank you all for your help, I really appreciate it.
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Joined: Fri Dec 13, 2019 2:06 pm

Re: Please help me identify this paraphernalia

Post by dramaqueen »

Hi Jolanda

Talk to Frank might be able to help answer your questions. They have a great helpline and also some information online about the different types of drugs.

Best wishes

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